Board Brief
Regular School Board Meeting Monday July 22, 2020
6:30 PM
Open Forum
Consent Agenda
The Board approved the Minutes from the Prior Meetings, Bills, Claims, and Financial Reports and Personnel Actions were approved.
This information can be found attached to the agenda.
- Approved–Jenna Stulgies—Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2020-2021 school year
- Approved –Michaela Schwartzkopf –Middle School Volleyball for the 2020-2021 school year
- Approved–Lindsey Henderson –Educational Advancement (MA to MA +15) for the 2020-2021 school year
- Approved–Eric Hodges –Educational Advancement BA to BA + 15 for the 2020-2021 school year
- Approved–Meredith Martens—District-wide Nurse for the 2020-2021 school year
- Approved–Michele Smith—Early Childhood Preschool Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year
- Accepted Resignation–Kelly Simpson—Bus Driver effective immediately
- Accepted Resignation–Deven Moore—Summer Weights for the 2019-2020 school year
- Approved–Jared Hoffman—Summer Weights for the 2019-2020 school year
- Approved–Julie Ravlin—Teacher Leadership Compensation Mentor Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year
- Student Achievement Report-Board Goal #1-Tim Mitchell presented and updated the Board on Board Goal #1-Student Achievement. Topic for this meeting: Riverside Continuous Learning-used for providing uninterrupted learning if school closure is necessary for the 2020-2021 school year-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Fiscal Report-Board Goal #2-Tim Mitchell presented and updated the Board on Board Goal #2-Fiscal Responsibility. Topic for this meeting: “COVID-19 Costs to Reopen Schools”-National Research Study (AASA)-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Facility Report-Board Goal #3-Dr. Mitchell presented and updated the Board on Board Goal #3-Facility Management. Topics for this meeting: Update on current projects-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- State of Iowa-Technology Access Survey-Results- the State of Iowa asked everyone in Iowa about technology access for their households in a recent survey distributed state-wide. This information will help in planning for next school year, should learning from home need to occur because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results for the Riverside district were shared with the Board. More information along with the survey link can be found attached to the agenda.
- Superintendent Report – Dr. Mitchell provided a report to the Board-More information can be found attached to the agenda
- IASB-Leadership Through a Crisis-COVID-19-Dr.Mitchell participated in this virtual workshop and shared information with the Board. More information can be found attached to the agenda
- Pottawattamie Promise Annual Report- More information can be found attached to the agenda
- Legislative Update-The Iowa Legislature recently has completed the 2020 Session. More information can be found attached to the agenda
Discussion Items
HVAC Project-1st priority-Short-term-HVAC Retrofit at Oakland Elementary
Financing approved on June 11, 2020-everything has been completed -July 9, 2020 was the completion date
Contracts have been executed and signed
1st Update Meeting held 7-16-2020
1st Payment on agenda for approval
Roof Replacement-Hail Claim to be coordinated with units installed on roof-on agenda for approval
This will put a 30 year warranty on roof
This will ensure no issues with 15 additional holes on roof due to HVAC Unit Install
Expected Completion September 15, 2020
EAIS Workshop-HVAC and COVID-19-More information can be found attached to the agenda
Comprehensive Facility Study
Riverside Hall of Fame Class of 2020-more information can be found attached to the agenda
Return to Open Planning- More information can be found attached to the agenda. NEW Information found in RED
Return to Learn Planning- More information along with the survey link can be found attached to the agenda. NEW Information found in RED
- Communication Protocol
- Multi Channel Approach
- Riverside Pandemic and Infectious Disease Plan
- Health and Safety Guidelines/Expectations-Traditional School Start
Action Items
- Approved Bid for Oakland Elementary Roof Replacement-Hail Insurance Claim -more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved Payment #1 Royal Air & Electric-Oakland HVAC Project ($195,700.75)-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved Partnership Agreements with Northwest Iowa Community College for 2020-2021 school year-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved Equipment Breakdown Insurance for the 2020-2021 school year-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved 2020 Membership-Oakland Chamber of Commerce -more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Advertised Milk and Bread Bids for the 2020-2021 school year
- Approved IASB Legislative Priorities for 2020-2021—School Funding Policy, Preschool, Drop Out At Risk and State Supplemental Aid
- Approved District Overall Tax Rate for the 2020-2021 school year-more information with historical trend data can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved Payment for May & June Invoices-HVP, Inc.-more information can be found attached to the agenda.
- Approved 2020-2021 Riverside Handbooks Pending Final Edits
- Appointed Tim Peterson and Mark Jeppesen to the District Facility Committee
- Appointed Jamie Kadel, Matt Bowen and Murray Fenn to the Employee Relations Committee for the 2020-2021 school year
- Declared an Emergency and Approved IASB Special Release-Public Emergencies Policy Update-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved a Resolution Regarding Return to Learn Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved 2020-2021 MIDAS Contract in Partnership w/GHAEA-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Approved Software Purchase Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year-more information can be found attached to the agenda
- Set Tuesday August 11, 2020 at 6:30 PM for Board Study Session-Topics -2020-2021 Board/Supt Goals, Board Self-Assessment, Facility Planning and 2019-2020 Superintendent Evaluation
- Approved Vehicle Purchase (Used Van) from Keast Motors
- Set Public Hearing for Consideration of Determining District Property Surplus for Monday August 17, 2020 at 6:30 PM-Carson Elementary School 330 Pleasant Street, Carson, IA
Introduction or Review-605.4-605.7 & 606.1- 606.5
Second Reading-Board Hearing-604.7-604.11 & 605.1-605.3
Third-Final Reading-603.8-603.13 & 604.1-604.6
Share a Key Takeaway from the Meeting
Matt Bowen-Return to Learn Planning
Todd Pendgraft- Oakland Elementary Roof Replacement
Murray Fenn-Return to Learn Planning & Software Purchases
Tim Petersen-Health & Safety Policy, Procedures and Guidelines Development
Charlene Dalby-Remote Option to be available for Riverside students
Mark Jeppesen-Software Purchases
Jamie Kadel-Return to Learn Planning
Determine 3 Common Messages to Share with Public
- Health & Safety Policy, Procedures and Guidelines Development
- Technology and Software Upgrades for Continuous Learning
- Elementary HVAC and Roof Project
Update Quick Links
Riverside COVID-19 Information Page
Links to all of these website with more information on COVID-19 can be found at and then click on “Riverside Coivid-19 Information Page”
✔ Riverside COIVID-19 Response Plan
✔ Riverside Instructional Support Resources April 6-April103
✔ Pott County Emergency Management COVID-19 Information
✔ Iowa Department of Public Health
✔ School Guidance from the Iowa Department of Education
✔ Free Resource-audible from Amazon
✔ Resources to Support Learning-Iowa Department of Education
✔ Events Cancellations and Postponements-thru June 1, 2020
Upcoming Meetings
Special Board of Education Meeting-Tuesday August 11, 2020
6:30 PM-Carson Elementary-300 Pleasant Drive Carson, IA Media Center
Regular Board of Education Meeting-Monday August 17, 2020
6:30 PM-Carson Elementary-300 Pleasant Drive Carson, IA Media Center
Please contact
or call at 712-484-2212
if you would like a link to attend virtually