we r riverside logo: riverside Community School District: Three Communities united as one. Inspire-Unify-Achieve

Meals (Breakfast and Lunch) are available at four distribution points each Monday. If someone wants a meal delivered, please call 712-249-7312 and meals can be delivered to your home. 

The cost of meals is Free for all children ages birth to 18 years of age


This is a "Grab and Go Service". Menus will consist of a fully reimbursable meal.

The four distribution centers are:

  • Oakland Elementary School-Door F-East Door on North Side of Building
  • Riverside Middle/High School-Front Doors
  • Carson Elementary School-Door C on West side of building
  • Post Office in Macedonia on Main Street-School Vehicle will be park on Main Street

School Meal Distribution-Riverside-Monday of each week.  All children Birth to 18 years of age will receive enough food to have 5 Breakfasts and 5 Lunches for the entire week on Monday.