Dear Riverside Families,
We are excited to launch a new initiative at Riverside Community School District: “Every Day Counts at Riverside.” This campaign reflects our belief that consistent attendance is essential to academic success. Together—as students, families, and staff—we can ensure every healthy and able student is present, engaged, and ready to learn each school day.
Attendance matters more than you might realize. Studies show that missing just 10% of the school year—approximately 18 days—can negatively impact a child’s ability to learn to read by third grade, succeed in middle school, and graduate from high school. That’s why we encourage our entire Riverside family to prioritize daily attendance and make it a shared goal.
Our campaign focuses on three primary objectives:
Increase Daily Attendance Rates Across the District
Engage and Educate Families and the Community on the Importance of Attendance
Celebrate and Reinforce Positive Attendance Behaviors
Strong routines at home build the foundation for success in school. Simple steps like setting consistent bedtimes, organizing school materials ahead of time, and discussing the importance of attending school regularly with your child can make a meaningful difference.
We also understand that challenges can arise and are here to help. If your child is ill, please continue to keep them home per our school health and wellness policies. If your family faces barriers to consistent attendance, please contact your child’s school for support and resources.
Every day matters and every student’s success is our priority. By working together, we can make every school day a valuable opportunity for growth, learning, and connection.
Thank you for your partnership in this important effort. Let’s make it our mission to ensure students are present every day!
Dr. Stephanie Anderson