Lexia, DreamBox, and Typing Club Access
Your child has access to the online programs that they use during the school year with their teachers. They need access to a web browser like Chrome or Firefox to access these programs.
Lexia is a program designed to help improve reading fluency, reading comprehension, and teach phonics and letters. DreamBox is a program designed to help with mathematics. Typing Club is program designed to teach students keyboarding skills. For these 3 programs once your child is logged in, they should be able to navigate the program as they have used it.
Each of these programs is a great way to do some school work over the summer. They are all designed to be used 15-20 minutes per day only, not longer.
Any questions or issues, please contact Mr. Meek, or your child's teacher from the 21-22 school year.
Lexia Log In Directions
Grades K - 5
Click here to get to the Lexia log in page
Enter your child's teacher's email address from the 22-23 school year
ex. Jamie Meek,
it should end with
Click the blue Log In button
The user name and password is usually your child's first name for both fields
ex. Jamie Meek - username jamie, password jamie
there are a few exceptions if a student shares the same first name as someone else in their class
Any questions or issues, please contact Mr. Meek, or your child's teacher from the 22-23 school year.
DreamBox Log In Directions
Grades K - 8
Click here to get to the DreamBox log in page for Riverside
Click on your child's teacher's name from the 22-23 school year
username - the first part of their email address, last 2 digits of their graduation year, first inital and last name, ex. 29fmeek
password - bulldog
Click on the green Log In
Any questions or issues, please contact Mr. Meek, or your child's teacher from the 23-23 school year.
Typing Club Log In Directions
Grades K - 8
Click here to get to the Typing Club log in page for Riverside
Click on Log in with Google
the first time you will need to enter your child's full email address, ex.
then enter their password
Any questions or issues, please contact Mr. Meek, or your child's teacher from the 22-23 school year.